Fully upgraded, they can take on numerous enemy units in melee and can shred units weak to piercing weapons to pieces.
The Bandit is highly skilled warrior and a highly versatile one too. His skill with the crossbow is also fearsome, and he knows just where to place his shots in order to cripple his foes with pain. The Bandit's swordsmanship is chaotic, unpredictable and furious, especially when he finds himself cornered, and with his long experience in living off the land he never fails to scavenge a few ounces of food and water off a fallen foe. The secrets of their longevity: never turn your back on a breathing enemy, never fight a stronger foe, and never take prisoners. Yet they have seen more death, spilled more blood, and survived more combat than all but the greatest Samurai. Veteran Bandits shun the tedious practice, rigorous self-discipline and strict honor prescribed by the ancient masters of the martial arts. On the field of battle, there is more than one way to achieve greatness.